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Say Goodbye to Spider Veins


Sclerotherapy is a medical procedure used to treat spider veins and varicose veins. It involves injecting a solution directly into the affected veins, causing them to collapse and eventually fade. This helps improve the appearance of the veins and can alleviate associated symptoms like pain or discomfort.

Woman looking at her legs
  • Minimally Invasive: minimally invasive procedure that involves injecting a solution directly into the targeted vein

  • Effective: highly effective in treating both small spider veins and larger varicose veins

  • Cosmetic Improvement: significantly reduce the visibility of spider veins and varicose veins, leading to smoother-looking skin.

  • Pain Relief: For many, it can alleviate symptoms associated with varicose veins, such as pain, swelling, and discomfort

  • Quick Recovery: Recovery time after sclerotherapy is usually minimal

  • Customisable Treatment: can be tailored to each person's specific needs, with the ability to target multiple veins in a single session and adjust the concentration of the sclerosing solution as needed.

  • Low Risk: While all medical procedures carry some degree of risk, sclerotherapy is generally considered safe when performed by a qualified professional

  • Long-lasting Results: the effects are often long-lasting, with many patients experiencing permanent improvement in vein appearance and symptoms.




Those large blue veins often found around the temples, eyes, and other areas


Variocose and spider veins occur most on the legs - not just an aesthetic issue, they can also cause aching and swelling.

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